Monday, 3 November 2014

Finding The Time

Hey guys,

Hope you are all doing well.

I thought I would do a bit of an update post to let you know what is going on with me.

When I started this blog, I was a Vegan. I had done a 30 day challenge via PETA and stayed vegan for 3 and a half months. At the start it was great. I bought lots of ingredients, spent time cooking and baking and really enjoyed it. By month 2, I became lazy and ate anything easy and carby and put on weight.
I could feel myself being heavier and I hated it. I needed to get back to me and feel good about myself. I did feel that I was lacking something. I decided to introduce tuna back into my diet after I had a craving and ate it. Then, eggs came along. So, I can no longer call myself a vegan as I eat fish and eggs, but still no meat and dairy (6 months strong now!)

For me, this works. I hate it when people ask me why I do one and not the other. I don't judge what you eat, so don't judge what I chose to eat! Anyway, I have started eating well again and trying to exercise when I have time and will continue to do this. I am a girl, and of course I get the occasional need to have a munch. If I do that, well, sod it. I will be happy. I just know I need to work harder to get rid of it.

So, one new thing I have tried is juicing. Ok, I don't juice myself because luckily there is a juice stand a 1 minute walk from my house so I go there. I tried a green juice and really hated it. It contained celery, apple, cucumber, fennel and some other bits and I really did not enjoy it.
My new favourite juice however is beetroot, apple and lemon. Delicious and full of energy!
It seems that when I have time, I am able to do so much more and things become easier. I had some time off of work and I spent so much of that free time in the kitchen.
For example, I made a butternut squash risotto one night, was delicios. It took a long time though. I really like to add spice to everything for some reason, so quite a bit was added to this.
I also made quinoa and banana pancakes one morning. They are honestly the most delicious things you will ever taste. On top I like to have either Maple syrup or peanut butter. Delicious!!
I had a dinner to go to and I was on desert duty so I made a vegan friendly chocolate mousse. (I like to keep things fully vegan when I can.) Made with coconut cream and raw cacoa (and some other bits) you really cannot go wrong. Rich and delicious!

Like I said earlier, I do not own a juicer, but I do have a great blender and food processor. It is quite sad that I am 26 and get so excited when I have the time to make things and use both at the same time. This is what I did the other day. I wanted to make a smoothie for breakfast, so I made a blueberry and banana smoothie on Soya milk and added some Chia seeds and also BodyByVi powder. Whilst that was spinning, I made my famous health bite balls. All my friends love them and they are delicious and healthy at the same time. Also vegan friendly.

It is great to be back and writing again.

If anyone would like any recipes for anything, please do not hesitate to contact me via the page or by email.

Thanks guys!

LaLa xx